Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pre-season vs. Lions

OK well that was a super humbling game. I am disappointed at the assumption from our team coaches that we are the most dominating team in the league. I admit that yes the Patriots holds many records within the NFL but still even in preseason the arrogance to not bring our entire defense to a game, especially after a very weak no practice off season thanks to the strike, well that's just plain stupid..

I am still a loyal fan but I am embarrassed by the effort made from the Patriots, we allowed all 3 the top quarterbacks for the Lions to score at least one touchdown, we pretty much gave up and stopped playing in the 4th quarter. Is this to be the path during regular season? I hope not, teams like the Lions, and the Jets are looking for these damaging games to affect morale of the team.

Please coach Bellicheck, do not under estimate the enemy again, always be prepared, always be ready and play every game like the title is on the line.


Sunday, August 21, 2011


Holy cow!, Did all you watch that live butchering of Tampa Bay on thurs? I am so proud of the Patriots defense, really showing their power and dominance on the field. I have actual chills about the upcoming season. Could we have that actual undefeated season in our near future? I say its possible (Timmy). Anyways tremendous performance from all the Patriot players, Danny Woodhead, you are phenominal to watch play and see you duck through those pockets you always find... Tom, always an honor to watch you work the field and command your team... Cant wait for the upcoming games....

Oh on a side note, Chad Ocho Cinco, I hope you find a place on our team, but really man the name can go! Love your mama and use the name she gave you.....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Football is Back Baby!!!

The preseason has started and even though not all the pre-season games are set in stone, the ones that matter are.
The time has come for all the couch warriors to dust of their can cozies, break out the snack trays and crock pots and prepare for what is to be a most interesting season of football I think.
What makes it interesting? well imagine all the players that have been locked out most of the year, can we rely on the training that should have been happening? I don't think so. So maybe, hopefully, the playing field will be level and the truly dedicated players that still practiced and exercised during the off season will shine for us to admire.

Put aside all the animosity of the negotiations, and lets get ready to enjoy a thrilling year of football.....