Sunday, November 13, 2011

Patriots v. Jets-Nov. 13

Hello fans, sorry I have been super lax on writing, tons on my plate. Tonight though was a special night, the game was set to place the first team in the AFC East. Rumors were running around about a changing of the guard and the patriots were done. Again the Patriots prove the nah sayers wrong and dominated the field against the Jets.
The game was truly tough fought in the first half, with injuries abound and in the second half most of the Patriots secondary defense was standing in. This did not dissuade the Patriots and they stood strong and they stood fast against the Jets. Three interceptions and numerous sacks for the Jets quarterback Sanchez, helped the high score split and virtually impossible return to the game for the Jets.
I am so proud of the game tonight, it was reminiscent of the Patriots of last year and not how they played the last two games.

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